Monday, September 12, 2011

Make corrections, view finder, and composition

Today let's take the 1st 10 minutes to make any corrections to yesterday's work.

A view-finder is a wonderful tool to use when you're creating art.

It is simply a piece of cardboard with a rectangular opening in it that corresponds roughly to the proportions of your paper.

By focusing the finder on the subject before you, moving it up and down or from left to right, you can select what you think is the most pleasing arrangement.

The margin of the finder blocks off enough of the scene to allow you to concentrate on what you see through the opening.

You will have use for the viewfinder only during the planning of the composition. Compostition is how you arrange the work on your paper. For this drawing, make sure your objects touch the page on at least 2 sides.

Do to: fold your paper in 4. Use your view finder to find an interesting composition and draw a different one for each box. Remember to let the objects touch at least two sides of the paper.