Monday, May 7, 2012


“Thauma” is Greek for magic, and “trope” means something that turns. So a thaumatrope is a magical turning object. Thaumatropes were Victorian-era toys whose magic lies in a visual illusion known as the persistence of vision. The most common thaumatrope features an illustration of a bird on one side and a cage on the other.
Here is another style of thaumatrope. Directions: You will need 2 notecards. Design on the side without lines. On the first card, draw your image on the left. On the second card, draw your image on the right. Tape the sides neatly, with one drawing on each side. Punch a hole through the tape in the middle and attach a rubber band on both sides. Twist up the rubber band and give it a whirl. Tips n' tricks: Words don't show up very well. Boldly inked images work best. You can add color if you'd like. Due tomorrow.